When a mischevious elf almost stole christmas

Tuborg Christmas Brew

For may years, the arrival of the annual Tuborg Christmas Brew has been synonymous with the beginning of Christmas in Denmark. The fact that Christmas Brew has achieved this national status is particularly due to the iconic, hand-drawn brand universe accompanying the seasonal beer since its inception. When you have such a strong brand, you always seek to maintain perception and get consumers to spend as much time with it as possible. This was no less the case with the 2023 annual Christmas Brew campaign, where WDP was tasked with devising a creative universe that would increase awareness and engagement with the Tuborg Christmas Brew brand and, more specifically, make a positive difference in Brand Health and Time Spent With Brand parameters.

Tuborg Christmas Brew 2023 Campaign
UI design
UX design
Conceptual ideas
Carlsberg Group

WDP saw the brief as an opportunity to move towards a more digital anchoring of the Tuborg Christmas Brew brand alongside its "physical" presence in on-trade, off-trade, and outdoor. The creative concept was to introduce a mischievous Christmas elf who sought to steal the iconic letter J in the Christmas Brew universe (“Julebryg” is the Danish name for the beer while there’s also a national celebration every year on the day that the Christmas Brew is released called “J-day”). As Christmas Brew has more or less become synonymous with Danish Christmas, Christmas itself was in danger – and therefore, the Elf had to be stopped. In collaboration with Khora, WDP developed a WebAR game where the goal was to hit the elf with snowballs in a 360-degree Christmas Brew snowscape to win back the J's. Prizes were awarded to those who managed to hit the elf in order to sign up for the competition. Specifically for the game, WDP produced a version of the classic Christmas Brew jingle in an 8-bit version to tap into the nostalgia and playful ease that the Christmas Brew universe embodies.

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The elf game was a hit with over 130.000 plays on the WebAR platform. Despite having a somewhat higher barrier for reaching the signup page than what you usually see in campaigns of this sort, more than 17.000 people signed up nonetheless, while 52 prizes were awarded in total. The Tuborg Christmas Brew brand also grew both in terms of consideration and brand health, but more importantly: the elf was stopped at last, Tuborg had their precious J’s back, and christmas was saved!

increase in tracking of “A Brand I Love”
competition signups
plays on the WebAR platform

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Morten Sune Jonas
COO & Partner

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